Nutrition Management – The Key Factor For Getting Maximum Milk From Your Herd
A good management and better nutrition plan are vital for profitable livestock farming. Nutrition management of dairy animals during the entire period of lactation is the key factor for getting the maximum milk production from your dairy herd. High milk producing animals need a complete balanced nutrition to produce the most profitable milk production. Cattle genetic also have an important role in milk production of the individual cows. Among cows of same breed, differences in milk production are 25 percent genetically and 75 percent due to environment.
Feeding has the most critical impact on the farm profitability and cattle’s milk production as more than 60 percent of the total cost of milk production is directly or indirectly to nutrition management. Adequate feeding and optimum care helps cattle to produce closer to their potential ability. NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OF LACTATING ANIMALS:
The main feeding objective for lactating cattle is to support milk production and body condition score. Feeding at early lactation stage after calving is very important. During the first two months of lactation, proper feeding of animals plays a major role on their milk production and breeding cycle in upcoming days.
Feeding plan should be designed according to the availability of feed ingredients and requirements of different categories of dairy animal such as growing, pregnant and lactating.
It is slightly easier to meet the requirements of buffalo during the peak lactation as compared to high yielding cows especially for crossbred cows as buffaloes have a more flat curve compared to cows and cows show sudden peak in production after parturition, then milk yield declines fast compared to the buffaloes.
Good quality fodder as much as she can take and concentrate feed (Wanda) as per requirement (1kg for every 3 liters of milk) for milk production, maintenance and growth during the first two months after parturition, the total lactation yield will be much higher and will have less breeding problems as compared to those who received poor quality of fodder and concentrate feed (Wanda) in the initial stage of lactation.
yield will be much higher and will have less breeding problems as compared to those who received poor quality of fodder and concentrate feed (Wanda) in the initial stage of lactation. At the end of lactation, any excessive supply of energy should be avoided. Animals in good health condition will hardly face problems during parturition.
Animal fed according to the requirements will be able to build up enough body reserves and will not suffer from the negative energy balance during the first six weeks of lactation.
NUTRITIONAL FACTORS RELATED TO MILK FAT: The milk fat is widely influenced with nutrition. Lack of energy and protein decreases the milk fat as well as the milk quantity. Crude fiber of high digestibility is very important for high milk fat. Immature or over mature fodder will provide less digestible crude fiberDigestible crude fiber should be 20% of the ration, which can be achieved only, when the bulk feed is from green fodder, which has to be cut at flowering stage. Higher or lower quantity of crude fiber than 20% in the ration can negatively affect milk fat percentage.The product of Dasan feeds (Wanda) are best choice. Dasan feed (Wanda) is specially formularized keeping in view the nutritional needs of the animal at all stages of cattle’s production cycle with the aim of to enable higher productivity while maintaining the good health and better body condition of the animals. Dasan feed (Wanda) provide appropriate nutrients required by animal to improve milk quality as well.